Back To Photography Page Rural Landscapes Bald Eagles Other Wildlife Spring 2007

April15, 2007
The Goldfinches are getting 'golder' and 'golder' these days.


Goldfinch above feeder

The Goldfinches were a colorful sight at the feeder today.

Goldfinches on feeder

These finches like black oil sunflower seed.

At times, it got rather "scrappy".

Goldfinches fighting for room at feeder

Just so much 'standing room'

The Cardinal won't come close to the feeder or my camera while I am standing on the porch.

Cardinal among Spring buddings

Cardinal at a 'safe' distance

I thought the Junkos had left for a more northern nesting ground; maybe this couple likes it here. Junko pair

Junkos in the brush

Junkos are ground feeders also.  I've never seen one at the feeder. They feed on spilled seed.


Junko in the morning light

Speaking of ground feeders...


The squirrels clean up some of the seeds that the birds drop from the feeder above.


Some birds will sit at the feeder and eat several seeds.  The Titmouse always takes its seed away up into the branches, where it opens the shell and eats the meat, then comes back for more.


The Titmouse never drops a seed.

The House Finches are frequent visitors to the feeder

Pair of House Finches

House Finch couple

They appear to say, "Do you think it's safe to eat while he's there?"

Pair of House Finches


I have yet to see the Indigo Bunting this year. I have heard of only two locations around here where the Indigo Bunting can be seen, and this picture taken in a previous year is of one of those 'secret locations'.  It's color is a wonder to experience, and I am looking forward to seeing it again within the next week or two.

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

I was glad to see even just one honey bee today.  They are becoming too rare. This one was hopping from one crocus to another.

Honey Bee

Honey Bee about to land on Crocus.

In another town today, I noticed this new storefront. What goes here, I wonder?

Brownville Historical Society

Another new sight in Brownville

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